Can a DNS server have a private IP address?

Can a DNS server have a private IP address?

Public DNS zones MUST NOT contain [RFC 1918] addresses, or any other addresses designated by IANA as private, in any resource records. The situation with public network addresses is more complicated because the Internet cannot in general be cleanly divided into “public” and “private” parts in this case.

How do I make a subdomain private?


  1. You or your IT professional will need to create a CNAME DNS record within your domain provider for the subdomain of your choice.
  2. Click on the left navigation menu Integrations > Custom domains.
  3. Click New Domain.
  4. Select Create Private Domain and click Next.

Can a DNS entry have multiple IP addresses?

DNS can hold multiple records for the same domain name. DNS can return the list of IP addresses for the same domain name. When a web-browser requests a web-site, it will try these IP addresses one-by-one, until it gets a response. Web-application servers should be stateless to make the job of load-balancers easier.

How do DNS subdomains work?

A subdomain simply means that you add an additional layer of DNS servers in the mix so that you can add more scale-ability and/or granularity to the mix. For example, if our dns name is: we would now have the foo dns server layer.

Can you keep a subdomain at one IP address?

What I want to do is to keep the subdomain at that IP address and move to a new server (bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb and Is this possible, and what records do I have to add? You don’t need a separate nameserver.

What is the Azure Private DNS server IP address?

Virtual network workloads without custom DNS server This configuration is appropriate for virtual network workloads without a custom DNS server. In this scenario, the client queries for the private endpoint IP address to the Azure-provided DNS service Azure DNS will be responsible for DNS resolution of the private DNS zones.

How to redirect ( sub domain to a certain IP address along?

– Domains – How to redirect (sub)domain to a certain IP address along with a port? If you are running a web service (that is run on port 80 by default) on your home network computer accessible from the internet, you can redirect your Namecheap domain to an IP address of the server along with a port.

What do I need to configure my Private DNS server?

This configuration must be overridden to connect using your private endpoint. The network interface associated with the private endpoint contains the information to configure your DNS. The network interface information includes FQDN and private IP addresses for your private link resource.