Can a materialized view be created through a database link?

Can a materialized view be created through a database link?

Materialized views through database links are not just for Oracle databases. You can create materialized views on external database products like DB2 and SQL Server (MSSQL) using Goldengate and Oracle heterogeneous services.

Is it worth it to create a materialized view?

The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement mustn’t specify the same query that you provided as a workload table. If the statement does specify the same query, then the materialized views can’t reflect the true performance gain. However, if the query is run frequently, then creating a materialized view might still be worthwhile.

Where does the name of the database link have to be?

Does the name of the database link have to be in the tnsnames.ora file for the database link to work with the materialized views for capturing data at a point in time on the remote instance? Answer: You can create a local materialized view against a remote table and join a local table and a remote table using a materialized view.

How to set the refresh rate for a materialized view?

To set the refresh rate, create a refresh group and assign the new materialized view to it. As one part of the setup, the following can be used to set the refresh interval to 1 minute: interval => ‘/*1:Mins*/ sysdate + 1/ (60*24)’, On the master instance, set up the materialized view log, which will allow the fast refresh to work.

How to create a materialized view log in Oracle?

Oracle Database creates the materialized view log in the schema of its master table. You cannot create a materialized view log for a table in the schema of the user SYS. Specify the name of the master table for which the materialized view log is to be created.

Can a materialized view be created on a master table?

If you own the master table, you can create an associated materialized view log if you have the CREATE TABLE privilege.

What is the definition of a materialized view?

A materialized view is a database object that contains the results of a query. The FROM clause of the query can name tables, views, and other materialized views. Collectively these objects are called master tables (a replication term) or detail tables (a data warehousing term). This reference uses “master tables” for consistency.