Can a shapefile be used in a PostgreSQL database?

Can a shapefile be used in a PostgreSQL database?

Because the shapefile has become a de facto standard for publishing GIS data, other applications and software libraries use shapefiles too, such as the open source QGIS. While researching GIS topics for a chapter in my book, Practical SQL, I learned that it’s easy to import a shapefile into a PostGIS -enabled PostgreSQL database.

How to import a shapefile into PostGIS?

For inserting shapefile to postgis, we first need to have one shapefile. If you don’t have any such shapefile, you may download the shapefile for free as suggested in the linked post. For instance to demonstrate import shapefile in postgresql, I have downloaded United state administrative boundary shape file.

Do you have to have PostGIS to use PostgreSQL?

To follow along, you’ll need to have installed PostgreSQL and the PostGIS extension.) Let’s start by creating a database and enabling PostGIS on it. Make sure PostgreSQL is running on your system and that you’re connected to the default or in a graphical interface such as pgAdmin.

Is there a way to bulk import PostGIS shapefile?

UPDATE: Bulk importing in the pgAdmin3 “PostGIS shapefile uploader” (as noted below) is now available by default with PostGIS 2.0. If you have a Windows computer, you can use good ‘ol CMD.EXE with a few esoteric for-loops.

Is the PostGIS database in the same projection?

They are all in the same projection, but represent different data layers so they do not have the same schema. What is the most time-effective way to bulk convert all of these files into my PostGIS database (on windows 7 OS)?

How to create a Postgres database and Sde user?

Provide the information required to connect to the PostgreSQL database cluster as the postgres superuser to create a database and sde user. You must also point to the keycodes file that was generated when you authorized your ArcGIS Server site. Click Run. The database, sde user, sde schema, and geodatabase are created in PostgreSQL.

How to add shapefile to PostGIS using shp2pgsql?

If shp2pgsql is not installed, you should first download the same from the authentic website and then try to follow out the steps provided below. For inserting shapefile to postgis, we first need to have one shapefile. If you don’t have any such shapefile, you may download the shapefile for free as suggested in the linked post.

How is a geodatabase created in PostgreSQL?

A new user and schema are created in PostgreSQL, and USAGE is granted automatically on the schema to the public role. Now that you have a user who can add data to your new geodatabase, connect to the database as that user. The easiest way to do that is to alter the connection file you created earlier.

How to convert shapefile to GeoJSON in PHP?

My PHP Shapefile library can read and write any ESRI Shapefile and convert it natively from/to WKT and GeoJSON. It is a free, open source, native PHP library, does not require any third party dependency or evil eval () and it is actively maintained.