Can Google Analytics track email campaigns?

Can Google Analytics track email campaigns?

Anyone can use Google Analytics to track email campaigns. Normally, with Google Analytics in place, when a visitor lands on your site, you can track where they came from (the source). Email campaign tracking with Google Analytics allows you to further segment traffic.

How do I link Mailchimp and Google Analytics?

To add Google Analytics tracking to an automated workflow in Mailchimp, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the Emails step of your automation.
  2. Click Edit Settings.
  3. Check the box next to Google Analytics link tracking.
  4. Click Update Settings.

How do I set up email newsletter tracking in Google Analytics?

Here are the steps that you must follow to track email opens in GA.

  1. Step 1: Google Analytics Setup.
  2. Step 2: Creating the Tracking URL.
  3. Step 3: Creating the Image.
  4. Step 4: Embedding the Image in the Email (Creating a test email)
  5. Step 5: Check if the email opens are captured by Google Analytics.

How do I track email campaigns?

4 Tools to Help You Track Your Email Marketing Metrics

  1. Bloom. Before you can actually track your email marketing metrics, you need to build an email list.
  2. MailChimp.
  3. Benchmark Email.
  4. Google Analytics.
  5. Open Rate.
  6. Click-Through Rate.
  7. Clicks per Link.
  8. Conversion Rate.

Does Mailchimp give Analytics?

Mailchimp gives you the tools you need to analyze your performance, learn more about your audience, and improve your marketing.

How do you add a landing page to Google Analytics?

Add Google Analytics to a landing page

  1. Click the Campaigns icon.
  2. Click All campaigns.
  3. Click the name of the landing page you want to work with.
  4. In the editor, design your content and click Save and Close.
  5. Scroll to the Settings & Tracking section and click Edit.
  6. Click Accept to agree to our additional terms.