Can Google Analytics track individual users?

Can Google Analytics track individual users?

Unfortunately, no. Google Analytics only shows you a unique user ID and does not share personal information, usernames and IP addresses, which means you can’t really see and analyze how specific users behave on your site and get valuable data.

How do I exclude a User from logging in Google Analytics?

Create a filter that excludes traffic from logged-in users

  1. In Google Analytics, go to Admin (the cog icon in the bottom left)
  2. Make sure you have the right Property AND View selected.
  3. In the View column, click on Filters.
  4. Click + ADD FILTER.
  5. Make sure Create new Filter is ticked.

How do I set up a Google Analytics user ID?

To set up User-ID:

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. Click Admin, and navigate to the property in which you want to implement User-ID.
  3. In the PROPERTY column, click Tracking Info > User-ID.
  4. Follow the steps outlined in the next sections.

What happens when you edit a filter in Google Analytics?

Filters are account-level objects. If you edit a filter at the view level, you are also changing the filter at the account level, and any other views that use the filter are also affected by the change. If you want to customize a single instance of an existing filter used by multiple views, create a new filter and apply it to that single view.

What do you need to know about Google Analytics?

About views. Access, customize, and analyze your data in a view. A reporting view is the level in an Analytics account where you can access reports and analysis tools. Analytics automatically creates one unfiltered view for every property in your account, but you can set up multiple views on a single property.

How to preserve the original data in Google Analytics?

To preserve all your original data and also control the specific perspectives of that data, create a copy of your original view or set up additional views and customize each one to meet your reporting goals. When you create a view, you can choose between an app view and a web view.

What do you need to know about filters in Google?

Use filters to limit or modify the data in a view. For example, you can use filters to exclude traffic from particular IP addresses, include only data from specific subdomains or directories, or convert dynamic page URLs to readable text strings. You need Edit permission at the account level to manage filters.