Can I use Qt in a commercial application?

Can I use Qt in a commercial application?

If you use Qt under commercial license, nothing has changed for you. You can simply use Qt as before. Of course, you must pay for one license per developer. And, if you deploy your Qt application on an embedded device, you must pay royalties.

Does Qt require a license?

Qt for Device Creation is a product available only under a commercial license. This allows you to, for example, control your device’s user experience, and build proprietary functionality on top of Qt and to lock down your device.

Is Qt license free?

Qt is available under the following free software licenses: GPL 2.0, GPL 3.0, LGPL 3.0 and LGPL 2.1 (with Qt special exception). In addition, Qt has always been available under a commercial license, like the Qt Commercial License, that allows developing proprietary applications with no restrictions on licensing.

Is the Qt license open source or commercial?

Qt for Application Development is dual-licensed under commercial and open source licenses. The commercial Qt license gives you the full rights to create and distribute software on your own terms without any open source license obligations.

Is it legal to use Qt under GPL license?

With the commercial license you also have access to the official Qt Support and close strategic relationship with The Qt Company to make sure your development goals are met. Qt for Application Development is also available under GPL and LGPLv3 open source licenses. Qt tools and some libraries are only available under GPL.

Do you need a license to use Qt WebEngine?

This module is available under commercial licensing terms and doesn’t introduce a dependency to LGPL licensed code. As a commercial license user, in practice, you only need to consider license obligations of LGPLv2.1, and only if you make use of Qt WebEngine or Qt WebKit .

Where can I get the source code for Qt?

Set up your local development environment, get the Qt source code from the repositories, and build the libraries on your machine. Grab the code at or if you need help, the community not only contributes to Qt, but also to the Qt Wiki where you can learn how to get started.