Can PLA be stored in the open?

Can PLA be stored in the open?

In most cases, you should be fine with ABS or PLA out of an airtight container. If you’re worried about it, throw a few desiccant packets where you store your filament. However, some specialty filaments should be stored in an airtight container. PVA is notorious for absorbing the ambient humidity around it.

How do you store unused PLA filaments?

Avoid storing unused PLA filament for extended periods (Greater than 12 months). Buy and use just enough to keep you going for the year. Store your PLA filament in an airtight container with some sort of desiccant. Airtight pet food containers are relatively cheap and large enough to hold a decent supply of PLA.

How long can PLA sit out?

According to most users, even with 40% humidity, their PLA filament was alright for up to 4 days. The filament might become a bit brittle but overall it is not very risky to leave it out there.

Is PLA affected by humidity?

PLA. PLA is an organic material that readily absorbs moisture, and is extremely sensitive to trace water content. Moisture also affects the diameter of the filament when it in storage.

Which is filaments actually do need to be stored in a dry box?

I do store my PLA in a closed but unsealed IKEA container with all the desiccant bags I can find as it is clearly benefitial. From experience I can tell that PVA filaments need to be stored with silica beads in a plastic bag or in a specific dry-box.

What’s the best way to store PLA filament?

You should be treating all of your filament as if they are sensitive to moisture and store them properly. Some people have definitely had some negative experiences with moisture-filled PLA filament, until they dried it in an oven for a couple of hours then it started printing great.

What happens if you store your filaments wrong?

Incorrect storage results in moisture from the air making its way into your filaments, which as you’ll see soon – is bad news. Read on for your guide to storing filaments correctly so that you don’t end up losing money on filaments that give you low-quality prints.

What should the humidity be for PLA filament?

Filament Humidity Range for PLA, ABS, PETG & More An ideal humidity range to store your filament in is as close to 0 as possible, but a value under 15% is a good target.