Can the same SSL certificate on multiple servers?

Can the same SSL certificate on multiple servers?

It depends on the CA and the certificate license. To install the same certificate on multiple servers, first install the certificate files to the server where the CSR was originally generated. This way, your servers will each have a copy of the certificate with its private key installed on it.

How many types of SSL certificates are there?

three types
There are three types of SSL Certificate available today; Extended Validation (EV SSL), Organization Validated (OV SSL) and Domain Validated (DV SSL). The encryption levels are the same for each certificate, what differs is the vetting and verification processes needed to obtain the certificate.

Can you use the same SSL certificate in different server?

Yes, you can use same SSL Certificate in the different server, if they are serving for a single domain. Like in IIS server, once you configure the SSL. They provide a SSL configure export option, and once you export the configure file you can upload the same file in similar and related server.

Why is it not right to share the certificate?

Why is it not right to share the certificate when these 3 servers are exactly the same hardware and software? Yes, you can use same SSL Certificate in the different server, if they are serving for a single domain. Like in IIS server, once you configure the SSL.

How do I get a SSL certificate for my server?

Under Certificate (CRT), here you will need to paste the SSL certificate exactly as it is on the file. You can click on Fetch for it to be automatically generated from server or do the process manually making sure you don’t leave out the header and the footer. As shown in above figure, the next step will be Filling in the Private Key.

How many SSL / HTTPS certificates do I Need?

We have a web application we will be launching soonish and for right now we just have one SSL/HTTPS certificate. We have this one certificate shared across 3 servers (in a cluster for load balancing) which we’ve been told is “not the right way”…