Can we use increment operator in switch case?
The post increment operator x++ increments x but returns the previous value of x – 10 . Therefore the switch statement gets the value 10 (that’s the value of the x++ expression), and executes the block of case 10: , at which point System. out. println(“case 1 ::: “+x); prints the incremented value of x – 11 .
Which operators are not allowed in switch statement?
No you can not. Relational operators (<,<=,>,>=) results in boolean and which is not allowded. All of the following must be true, or a compile-time error occurs: Every case constant expression associated with a switch statement must be assignable (§5.2) to the type of the switch Expression.
What happens if there is no default case in switch?
If there’s no default statement, and no case match is found, none of the statements in the switch body get executed. There can be at most one default statement. The default statement doesn’t have to come at the end. It may appear anywhere in the body of the switch statement.
Is default necessary in switch-case?
No it is not necessary of default case in a switch statement and there is no rule of keeping default case at the end of all cases it can be placed at the starting andd middle of all other cases.
Is switch statement good or bad?
Switch case is not a bad syntax, but its usage in some cases categorizes it under code smell. It is considered a smell, if it is being used in OOPS. Thus, Switch case should be used very carefully.
Which code snippet can be written as a switch statement?
A general syntax of how switch-case is implemented in a ‘C’ program is as follows: switch( expression ) { case value-1: Block-1; Break; case value-2: Block-2; Break; case value-n: Block-n; Break; default: Block-1; Break; } Statement-x; The expression can be integer expression or a character expression.
What happens if there is no break in a switch statement?
It branches to the end of the switch statement. Without break , the program continues to the next labeled statement, executing the statements until a break or the end of the statement is reached. If there’s no default statement, and no case match is found, none of the statements in the switch body get executed.