Can you decompile a C++ EXE?

Can you decompile a C++ EXE?

No, there is no way.

Can a DLL be decompiled?

Such a DLL is compiled to machine language and can only be directly decompiled to assembly language.

Can C++ be decompiled?

Yes, but none of them will manage to produce readable enough code to worth the effort. You will spend more time trying to read the decompiled source with assembler blocks inside, than rewriting your old app from scratch.

Why is .NET so easy to decompile?

IL was designed to be JIT-compiled; x86 was designed to be executed natively (admittedly via micro-code). The information the JIT compiler needs is similar to that that a decompiler would want, so a decompiler has an easier time with IL. In some ways this is really just a restatement of the second point.

Is it possible to decompile a C + + executable file stack?

The output source code will not look like the original as the compiler will have optimised the original source when generating the executable. Short answer NO. Long answer, because C++ doesn’t use some intermediate code like C# or Java you cannot decompile the app in some readable format.

Which is easier to decompile C # or C + +?

C# is inherently easier to decompile into source code because it contains meta-data and most C# code must comply with a set of rules called “verifiable code”. Decompilers take advantage of the adherence to these rules along with attached metadata to make decompilation much better than equivalent C++ decompilers.

Can a C compiler compile directly to a native machine?

C and C++ generally compile directly to native machine code. But neither the C nor C++ standard describes the layout of a binary executable created by the compiler.

Is it possible for a C + + program to run everywhere?

C++ code inherently does not usually run “everywhere”, but it usually does. Obfuscated C++ code will probably work everywhere you intend to, but it’s not guaranteed. Writing correct and thread-safe C++ is hard enough, much less worrying about an obfuscator screwing that up.