Can you have more than one Apple ID on a computer?

Can you have more than one Apple ID on a computer?

Answer: A: You can have more than one iCloud account on a computer at one time, but only one will have all the services and will be the main account. The other accounts will only be able to use Mail, Contacts, Calendars, & Notes.

Why wont my computer let me create an Apple ID?

If you see a Could Not Create Apple ID message, it means that you have exceeded the number of new Apple IDs you can set up with iCloud on a single device in one year.

How can I have more than 3 Apple IDs?

It’s an Apple hard rule, so there’s no way around this set limit. If you or someone else already created all three iCloud accounts, you can’t create another iCloud account using that particular device.

Why can’t I make an Apple ID with my email?

Question: Q: Can’t create Apple ID useing my email adress To be able to use this email address as an Apple ID, you will need to locate the Apple ID it is associated with and change it so that email is no longer associated with an Apple ID. It will then be available for use.

Is there a limit to how many devices you can have with Apple ID?

Answer: A: Answer: A: Yes, there is a limit. You can have a total of 10 devices (with a maximum of 5 computers) associated with your Apple ID. An associated device is a device that is signed on to a specific Apple ID and has been used for one or more of the following: – Family Sharing. – Apple Music. – iTunes Match.

When do I need to create a new Apple ID?

When you set up on your new iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you might be asked to enter your Apple ID and password. If you don’t have an Apple ID, you can create a new one when you set up your device. You can also set it up later in the App Store.

Can you use an Apple ID on a computer?

No, Authorized computers and Associated Devices are two different things. Authorized computers are those computers that you have signed your Apple ID into iTunes with, and then Authorized for your Apple ID via iTunes. Only computers are Authorized.

How long is my Apple ID locked to my computer?

When any of those actions are set up on a particular device or computer using your Apple ID, that computer or device becomes associated with your Apple ID. Once associated, the computer or device is locked for 90 days to that ID.