Can you have multiple WHERE statements in SQL?

Can you have multiple WHERE statements in SQL?

You can specify multiple conditions in a single WHERE clause to, say, retrieve rows based on the values in multiple columns. You can use the AND and OR operators to combine two or more conditions into a compound condition. AND, OR, and a third operator, NOT, are logical operators.

Can you have multiple conditions in a case statement?

Multiple conditions in CASE statement You can evaluate multiple conditions in the CASE statement.

What are multiple statements?

Multiple Statements ¶ The individual statements of the statement string are separated by semicolon. Then, all result sets returned by the executed statements must be fetched. The MySQL server allows having statements that do return result sets and statements that do not return result sets in one multiple statement.

How do I run multiple SQL statements at once?

To run a query with multiple statements, ensure that each statement is separated by a semicolon; then set the DSQEC_RUN_MQ global variable to 1 and run the query. When the variable is set to zero, all statements after the first semicolon are ignored.

How do you do multiple or condition in SQL?

The SQL AND condition and OR condition can be combined to test for multiple conditions in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. When combining these conditions, it is important to use parentheses so that the database knows what order to evaluate each condition.

How do you check multiple values in a case statement?

SQL:2003 standard allows to define multiple values for simple case expression: SELECT CASE c. Number WHEN ‘1121231’,’31242323′ THEN 1 WHEN ‘234523’,’2342423′ THEN 2 END AS Test FROM tblClient c; It is optional feature: Comma-separated predicates in simple CASE expression“ (F263).

Can we use CASE statement in where clause?

CASE can be used in any statement or clause that allows a valid expression. For example, you can use CASE in statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and SET, and in clauses such as select_list, IN, WHERE, ORDER BY, and HAVING.

What is multi statement query?

A multi-statement is permitting COM_QUERY to send more than one query to the server, separated by ‘;’ characters. The client must announce that it wants multi-statements by either setting the CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS capability or by using COM_SET_OPTION .

How do I run multiple mysql queries at once?

To combine result set of two or more queries using the UNION operator, these are the basic rules that you must follow:

  1. First, the number and the orders of columns that appear in all SELECT statements must be the same.
  2. Second, the data types of columns must be the same or compatible.

How do you run two statements in a snowflake?

The Snowflake stored procedure below will:

  1. Accept a string parameter that is a SQL statement designed to generate rows of SQL statements to execute.
  2. Execute the input SQL statement to generate a list of SQL statements to run.
  3. Run all statements identified by the “SQL_COMMAND” column one at a time.

Can we use same prepared statement for multiple queries?

TL;DR: Yes, you can call execute on single Statement object multiple times, as long as you realize that any previously opened ResultSet will be closed. I can’t find anything in the API docs that would state, that you shouldn’t call executeQuery() on a given PreparedStatement instance more than once.

Can a where statement contain multiple where expressions?

WHERE statements can contain multiple WHERE expressions that are joined by logical operators. Note: Using indexed SAS data sets can significantly improve performance when you use WHERE expressions to access a subset of the observations in a SAS data set.

How to specify multiple where clauses in MySQL?

Multiple WHERE with AND & OR Operators MySQL allows you to specify multiple WHERE clauses. These clauses may be used in two ways: as AND clauses or as OR clauses.

How to test multiple conditions in where clause?

You can use the OR condition in the WHERE clause to test multiple conditions where the record is returned if any one of the conditions are met. There will be 2 records selected. These are the results that you should see:

Can a where statement be part of an IF THEN statement?

That is, you cannot use it as part of an IF-THEN statement. WHERE statements can contain multiple WHERE expressions that are joined by logical operators. Note: Using indexed SAS data sets can significantly improve performance when you use WHERE expressions to access a subset of the observations in a SAS data set.