Can you modify MIT license?
The MIT license gives users express permission to reuse code for any purpose, sometimes even if code is part of proprietary software. As long as users include the original copy of the MIT license in their distribution, they can make any changes or modifications to the code to suit their own needs.
What does it mean to sublicense software?
A sublicense is a grant by the original licensee to a third party (the sublicensee) under the patent or other technology rights granted to the original licensee by the licensor. The licensee may not have the resources to fully commercialize its products in all territories, so the ability to sublicense may be crucial.
Is it legal to relicense code under the MIT License?
It’s technically legal. The MIT (Expat) license places a few restrictions on you. These are a subset of the GPL license. Therefore, if you relicense the code under the GPL, and keep the MIT notice, then you’ve satisfied the terms of the MIT license and may legally redistribute the code.
What do you need to know about the MIT License?
The only condition required to use the software is to include the same copyright notice in all copies or any substantial portions of the software. The final portion of the text provides for limitations and revokes any warranty implied by sharing the code. What class is the MIT Open Source license referred to?
What’s the difference between the BSD and MIT licenses?
The MIT license explicitly allows sublicensing while the BSD license does not. Following the above discussion this means that the MIT license allows something that the BSD license probably does not in most jurisdictions, namely sublicensing.
What is the MIT open source license referred to?
What class is the MIT Open Source license referred to? Open source and free software classes come in two distinct types. Copyleft – Weak and strong copyleft (as opposed to copyright) licenses attempt to make all software based on any open source components also enforce similar FOSS licensing on their work.