Can you run multiple websites on an EC2 server using a single IP address?

Can you run multiple websites on an EC2 server using a single IP address?

Launch the Domains control panel and click the first domain that you want to point to your EC2 server. Click the tab that says “DNS Zone File”. Use the same EC2 IP address in the next field. Repeat this process for all of the domain names that you want to point to your EC2 server.

Can 2 computers have the same IP address?

The Question As I understand it, two computers cannot have the same public (external) IP address unless they are connected via the same router. If they are connected via the same router, then they can have (share) the same public IP address yet have different private (local) IP addresses.

Can You host multiple websites on the same IP address?

Name-based virtual hosting is the most commonly used method to host multiple websites on the same IP address and Port. You will need valid domain names to host multiple websites using name-based virtual hosting.

How to have multiple websites on a single web server instance?

The concept to have multiple websites on a single web server instance is called Virtual Server. It is defined in the configuration file along with the URL. When a request is made to a defined URL, the webserver would serve the traffic from the respective Document Root. Configure Virtual Host in Apache to host multiple domains

How can I get a second IP address for my website?

You can either a) get a second public IP address for your second host or b) set up a smart proxy that forwards requests to different servers on your internal network based on the host headers. I’m pretty sure that b) is possible but I have no real idea of how it works, so you’ll have to ask someone else if that is what you are trying to do.

How does hosting work with one IP address?

The feature on your webserver is normally called ‘virtual hosts’. Once you point the dns entries to point to that one IP address (as mentioned in the other answers) the server will then server the different sites depending on what the requested host is.