Useful tips for everyday
When to use a Boolean as a flag? Boolean variables are most commonly used as flags, to signal the presence or absence of some condition.…
Is it OK to copy Terms and Conditions? First of all, copying someone else’s terms and conditions and using them in your business is certainly…
What is for loop explain with example Python? A for loop is a programming concept that, when it’s implemented, executes a piece of code over…
Can a variable be converted to an integer in Bash? In bash, one does not “convert an argument to an integer to perform arithmetic”. In…
Why is TrackView not working? ✅ Surveillance & Monitoring – TrackView app Notifications are not working properly. Go to your Apps->Surveillance & Monitoring – TrackView->Notifications…
What does BufferedWriter flush do? flush() method flushes the characters from a write buffer to the character or byte stream as an intended destination. How…
What is ring counter explain its working? A Ring counter is a synchronous counter. the synchronous counter has a common clock signal that triggers all…
What fonts are copyrighted? So what most people refer to as “fonts” are actually typefaces! In the United States, fonts are protectable under copyright law.…
How do I know the page size of my operating system? Finding Optimal Page Size Page Table Size = number of page entries in page…
What are the advantages for conditional formatting? So what are the advantages of conditional formatting?Updates occur in real time The spreadsheet will have the ability…