Useful tips for everyday
What is the electrical level for line level? Consumer line level is rated around -10dBV and is what you’ll find in products like a CD…
How to use presaveaction function on custom list forms? With a custom SharePoint list form with custom UI (not SharePoint UI) and after save or…
How does batch size affect learning rate? For the ones unaware, general rule is “bigger batch size bigger learning rate”. This is just logical because…
How do you calculate uncertainty? Standard measurement uncertainty (SD) divided by the absolute value of the measured quantity value. CV = SD/x or SD/mean value.…
Can my Subaru Forester pull a trailer? The 2019 Subaru Forester can tow up to 1,500 pounds. Forester also has Trailer Stability Assist which can…
What is the view matrix? The view matrix is used to transform a model’s vertices from world-space to view-space. The View Matrix: This matrix will…
How do I resize my cinnamon menu? Re: How to change the width of the Cinnamon menu? Copy the folder /usr/share/cinnamon/applets/[email protected] to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/[email protected]. In the…
How do I add a horizontal scroll bar to the lightning component? Repro Create a Lightning Component that contains content that is wider than the…
Does href have onclick? How to make this a tag working with href and onClick? The default behavior of the tag’s onclick and href properties…
How do you add an episode to a podcast? How to add an episode number to your podcast episode During publishing or editing an episode,…