Useful tips for everyday
Can you create a Visualforce page with more than one extension? When talking to another developer today we came across a question that we can’t…
How to customize styles in SharePoint Server 2010? Click Style Library. Click XSL Styles Sheets to display the list of XSL files available in the…
How do I identify my triggers? Listen to your mind and body. A key step in learning to recognize your triggers involves paying attention when…
How do you test an Access database? How to Test the Database (Step-by-step Process) Step #1) Prepare the environment. Step #2) Run a test. Step…
How do you restart an unresponsive MacBook Air? How to Force Restart Your Mac. Press and hold down the Command (⌘) and Control (Ctrl) keys…
Can we write trigger on platform events? Platform events support only after insert triggers. The after insert trigger event corresponds to the time after a…
How do you check if file is being used by another process in Linux? 1 Answer. You should use the fstat command, you can run…
Should I always use template literals? Don’t use template literals unless you need interpolation, multiline literals, or unescaped quotes and apostrophes. Much of the arguments…
How can I tell if SQL 2014 Reporting Services is installed? To verify that the report server is installed and running Run the Reporting Services…
What are the tools and practices of SharePoint? SharePoint development and design tools and practices 1 Terms and concepts. A feature activated in SharePoint publishing…