Useful tips for everyday
How do I change my zsh on Mac? From System Preferences Hold the Ctrl key, click your user account’s name in the left pane, and…
What should you do with the mouse wheel to pan command? Pan: Hold down the scroll wheel as you move the mouse. (The scroll wheel…
Does factory reset delete dual boot? It will delete any applications installed on the system partition, it will also reset all settings, however, it will…
What is frequency of a character? Freq will be used to maintain the count of each character present in the string. Now, iterate through the…
What is wind variable? Variable winds are those winds which blow in a small area and are related to the pressure systems. They are known…
What are the security threats to computer hardware? Common hardware security flaws include the following: Default passwords. This is primarily an issue for low-cost IoT…
How do I package a Windows app? If you’re packaging a desktop application, right click on the the Windows Application Packaging Project node. In Solution…
What causes UI lag? Unfortunately, on Android, the UI hierarchy is flattened before rendering, so animations require every animating section of the screen to be…
Can hyperlinks have spaces? html>. A second way of entering an address with spaces that should be treated as a hyperlink is to insert the…
What is PED file in plink? The two-file PED/MAP format often containing both family-based and regular genotype data popularized by PLINK can be imported into…