Useful tips for everyday
How can I compare two dates in Java? How to compare two dates in Java? Example by Using the classic CompareTo method of Date class.…
How do I check if a domain is valid? If you want to find out if a domain name is validated, simply type the URL…
How can I customize my brand? Building your own brand essentially boils down to seven steps: Research your target audience and your competitors. Pick your…
How do I give access to a Visualforce page? Grant permissions to access Log in to Salesforce. From Setup in Salesforce, open the Profiles page.…
When should you use a regression line to predict Y from X? We can use the regression line to predict values of Y given values…
Can you add a second Apple ID to iMessage? To add another apple id to iMessages in Messages. app, you need to go to Messages>preferences>accounts.…
What are the problems of power? Some of the most common power problems are voltage dips, voltage sag/brownouts, interruptions, voltage swell, harmonic, voltage fluctuation/flicker, and…
What is the pulse transfer function? Pulse transfer function relates z-transform of the output at the sampling instants to the Z- transform of the sampled…
How do you do implicit type casting in C? There are many ways in which the Implicit Type Conversion occurs in C, such as: Conversion…
How do I use the Bluetooth module HC-06? Tap the HC06 in the list, and you will then be asked for the PIN – it…