Useful tips for everyday
How do you keep a shell script sleeping? /bin/sleep is Linux or Unix command to delay for a specified amount of time. You can suspend…
How do I get my computer to recognize my wireless adapter? 1) Right click the Internet icon, and click Open Network and Sharing Center. 2)…
Can a 12V 3A power supply be used? If your device states it is 12V 3A, a 3A adapter can handle that load, but so…
Is it dangerous if a plug sparks? You’ve probably seen it plenty of times — a small blue spark when you plug in an appliance.…
How do you formulate a constraint satisfaction problem? A problem to be converted to CSP requires the following steps: Step 1: Create a variable set.…
How to show list items based on go to column? You need to modify the view and set Go to column to [Me]. This way…
How do you speed up a loop in Excel VBA? by Kevin Roper Rule #1. Turn off automatic spreadsheet calculation. Rule #2. Turn off screen…
What to do with master page in HTML Stack Overflow? You can use iframe. That would be purely html. I resolved with a Third party…
How is the curve Animaker used in animation? In animation, it is used to outline movement. When you define the trajectory, you make a path…
How do you fix knapsack in Python? Python Program for 0-1 Knapsack Problem Problem statement − We are given weights and values of n items,…