Useful tips for everyday
Why is activity monitor paused? When setting up our SQL-server 2016 servers the activity monitor always ends up in a paused state when the users…
What happens if you erase internal storage? It means even you perform the factory reset, your data will remain on the internal storage of the…
What does it mean to consume a REST API? API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a way to get one software application to…
Does Selenium need coding? Some of the pros of Selenium are that it’s free, open-source and supports multiple browsers, operating systems and programming languages. Some…
What does the HTTP response header for Set-Cookie mean? The Set-Cookie HTTP response header is used to send a cookie from the server to the…
Where are the preferences in iTunes? In the iTunes app on your PC, use the General pane of iTunes preferences to specify a library name,…
What is the meaning of QSL? Amateur Radio “Q” signals Sign Meaning QSK Can you hear me between you signals and if so can I…
Can I add Debian repository to kali? When you encounter a bug in a Debian package, there might be a fixed version in the Debian…
What does unique visitors mean in Google Analytics? The official Google Analytics definition of this term is: “Unique Visitors are the number of unduplicated (counted…
Do you have to install Magento before running commands? Before you run any of these commands, you must either install the Magento application or enable…