Do I need a certificate for a subdomain?

Do I need a certificate for a subdomain?

Yes, now you don’t have to buy separate SSL certificates for all your subdomains and go through the verification process, CSR generation, installation and renewal for each of them separately. Thanks to the wildcard SSL certificate.

What are the requirements for SSL certificate?

In order to establish ownership or authorization to acquire an SSL Certificate for a specific domain, proof of control over the domain must be established….Domain Control Validation (aka DV or Domain Validation) Overview

  • Email Challenge Response.
  • File lookup over HTTP.
  • DNS CNAME lookup for domain.

Can a single domain SSL certificate secure a subdomain?

When you buy a single domain SSL certificate for your primary domain, it will not secure the accompanying subdomains. For example, a single domain SSL for will secure but not However, securing a subdomain with an SSL certificate is as important as securing your primary domain.

What kind of SSL certificate do I Need?

Wildcard SSL certificates are available as both OV and DV, and are used to secure a base domain and unlimited subdomains. The main benefit of purchasing a wildcard certificate is that it’s cheaper than buying several single-domain certificates. Wildcard SSL certificates have an asterisk as part of their common name.

What kind of certificate do I need for multi-level domain?

Here’s what I need to secure: Any combination of (These are US states.) My understanding is that a wildcard certificate can only cover one “level” of subdomain. According to RFC 2818: Names may contain the wildcard character * which is considered to match any single domain name component or component fragment.

Can a DigiCert wildcard certificate be used for multiple subdomains?

However, I doubt many will do this and understand what it means. Even more, DigiCert WildCard ssl certificates are unique in allowing you to secure ANY subdomain of your domain, including multiple levels of subdomains with one certificate.