Do stem and leaf plots show outliers?

Do stem and leaf plots show outliers?

Elements of a good stem and leaf plot shows the first digits of the number (thousands, hundreds or tens) as the stem and shows the last digit (ones) as the leaf. shows how the data are spread—that is, highest number, lowest number, most common number and outliers (a number that lies outside the main group of numbers).

What can a stem-and-leaf plot detect?

Stem-and-leaf plots are a method for showing the frequency with which certain classes of values occur. You could make a frequency distribution table or a histogram for the values, or you can use a stem-and-leaf plot and let the numbers themselves to show pretty much the same information.

How do you interpret a stem-and-leaf plot?

Steps to Interpreting a Stem Plot The stems are on the left of the vertical line and the leaves are on the right. The stems are usually the first digit of a number. So if you have a value of 25, 2 is the stem that goes on the left of the vertical line and 5 is the leaf that goes on the right.

What are the 7 steps for constructing a stem-and-leaf plot?

Stem-and-Leaf Plot: Steps & Examples

  1. Step 1: Determine the smallest and largest number in the data. The game stats:
  2. Step 2: Identify the stems.
  3. Step 3: Draw a vertical line and list the stem numbers to the left of the line.
  4. Step 4: Fill in the leaves.
  5. Step 5: Sort the leaf data.

What are the disadvantages of a stem and leaf plot?

Disadvantages. A disadvantage of stem and leaf plots is they are really only useful for small data sets from about 15 to 150 data points. Dot plots are usually more useful for smaller data sets, and for larger data sets a box plot or histogram is used.

Why is a stem and leaf plot better than a histogram?

Similar to histogram it is used to compare the data. The stem and leaf plot has a slight difference over the histogram as it can be constructed more quickly and easily as compared to histograms. The stem-leaf plot shows individual data points whereas the histogram does not.

What is the key for stem-and-leaf plot?

The key on this plot shows that the stem is the tens place and the leaf is the ones place.