Does Office 365 allow SMTP relay?

Does Office 365 allow SMTP relay?

SMTP relay lets Microsoft 365 or Office 365 relay emails on your behalf by using a connector that’s configured with your public IP address or a TLS certificate.

How do I test my SMTP relay in Office 365?

Test the Office365 SMTP Relay Service from PowerShell

  1. To open PowerShell right-click the start button and Choose Windows PowerShell.
  2. Enter the following command. $msolcred = get-credential.
  3. A window pops up.
  4. Then use the Send-MailMessage command to send a test email.
  5. If there is no error check your inbox for a new email!

How do I enable SMTP in Office 365?

Enable SMTP AUTH for specific mailboxes

  1. Open the Microsoft 365 admin center and go to Users > Active users.
  2. Select the user, and in the flyout that appears, click Mail.
  3. In the Email apps section, click Manage email apps.
  4. Verify the Authenticated SMTP setting: unchecked = disabled, checked = enabled.

How do I install Salesforce for Outlook 365?

Installing the Salesforce Outlook Add-in (Windows)

  1. Find Salesforce in the add-in in the list and check the box in the Turn On column.
  2. Go back to Microsoft Outlook and click on the <- arrow in the top left-hand corner of your screen to get back to your Inbox.

How do I troubleshoot my SMTP relay?


  1. Check the SMTP server settings. SMTP server address—Check the host name or network address of the SMTP e-mail server.
  2. Check the SMTP authentication settings. Check whether the e-mail server requires authentication.
  3. Test SMTP settings by sending a test e-mail. If you are unable to send a test e-mail:

Can you use Office 365 as a relay server?

It is possible to use Office 365 as your Email Relay server. Microsoft has enabled a partner connector and whitelisted all salesforce IP addresses. You cannot get a direct connection from SMTP relay of Salesforce to Exchange Online, it does not work. Microsoft does not allow for an open relay from Salesforce.

How to configure email relay in Salesforce?

1. Navigate to the Setup menu in Salesforce and type Email Relays in the quick find. Click Create Email Relay. 2. For host enter the host of your relay. For gmail this is For SendGrid it is 3. Set the port.

Can you send email from Microsoft Office 365 to Salesforce?

In what your trying, you’re basically allowing anyone to send email from any Salesforce tenant, through Office 365 on behalf of your domain. Microsoft does not support email relay scenarios from shared IP space (Salesforce, Amazon, Azure etc.).

Can you use SMTP relay with Microsoft Exchange?

You cannot get a direct connection from SMTP relay of Salesforce to Exchange Online, it does not work. Microsoft does not allow for an open relay from Salesforce. You will need to relay it to an on premise IIS SMTP relay server then to Exchange Online per Microsoft.