Does Secure Erase work on HDD?

Does Secure Erase work on HDD?

Secure, standalone drive erasing for up to four 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch SATA SSD/HDD drives. Nine erase modes including: Quick and Secure Erase, Single Pass Overwrite, and Multi-pass Overwrites — meets DoD (5220.22-M) standards. Also supports 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch IDE hard drives, mSATA drives, and SATA M.

Do I need to secure erase an SSD?

Simply put, your SSD manages your discarded data. The difference in how an SSD handles data deletion and the use of wear levelling is why regular secure drive wiping programs are not recommended for an SSD. So, secure deletion tools actually harm SSDs by performing an unnecessary number of additional writes.

Does ATA Secure Erase work on SSD?

The long answer: You could use the build in ATA Secure Erase command (if your drive supports that), or you can overwrite the SSD multiple times, but… The ATA Secure Erase command is a feature implemented by the manufacturer of a Solid State Drive. It pretends to securely erase a SSD in just a few minutes (or less).

How do you use ATA Secure Erase?

  1. Step 1 – Make sure the drive Security is not frozen: Issue the following command, where “X” matches your device (eg.
  2. Step 2 – Enable security by setting a user password:
  3. Step 3 – Issue the ATA Secure Erase command:
  4. Step 4 – The drive is now erased!

How do I securely erase a drive?

The easiest way to securely erase a mechanical Windows or Linux system disk is to download a piece of software called Darik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN). Once this is done, burn the ISO file you just downloaded to a disc or USB stick (to separate it from your hard drive) using a tool such as Rufus or Balena Etcher.

How do I wipe my SSD with parted magic?

Here’s how to use Parted Magic to securely erase SSD drives:

  1. Step 1: Create the Parted Magic bootable media.
  2. Step 2: After booting into Parted Magic, go to System Tools, then select Erase Disk.
  3. Step 3: Select “Internal:Secure Erase command writes zeroes to entire data area” then click Continue.

How does Secure Erase work?

It works by writing a binary one or zero over each piece of data in the drive, and because it is programmed into the firmware, the internal monitoring system will flag any missed write operations and ensure they are completed. Secure Erase is part of all SSDs that have PATA or SATA firmware.

What is the ATA Secure Erase command?

Definition(s): An overwrite command in the ATA standard (as ‘Security Erase Unit’) that leverages a firmware-based process to overwrite the media. This command typically executes substantially faster than attempting to rewrite through the native read and write interface.


The ATA Secure Erase command is a feature implemented by the manufacturer of a Solid State Drive. It pretends to securely erase a SSD in just a few minutes (or less).

How do you completely erase SSD?

Here’s how to use Parted Magic to securely erase SSD drives: Step 1: Create the Parted Magic bootable media. Step 2: After booting into Parted Magic, go to System Tools, then select Erase Disk. Step 3: Select “Internal:Secure Erase command writes zeroes to entire data area” then click Continue.

What is SATA secure erase?

Secure Erase is the name given to a set of commands available from the firmware on PATA and SATA based hard drives. Secure Erase commands are used as a data sanitization method to completely overwrite all of the data on a hard drive.

How can I Wipe my SSD clean?

Right click on your SSD disk (by default “C:”) and select Properties. Click on Disk Cleanup to start the disk cleaning utility. It will analyze your system for a while and will show a list of items that can be safely deleted.

How do you secure erase a hard drive?

Seagate Instant Secure Erase (ISE) is designed to protect data on hard disc drives by instantly resetting the drive back to factory settings and changing the encryption key so that any data remaining on the drive is cryptographically erased. This means all data on the drive is permanently and instantly unreadable.

How do I remove old operating system from hard drive?

Right-click the partition or drive and then select “Delete Volume” or “Format” from the context menu. Select “Format” if the operating system is installed to the entire hard drive.

Is there a way to securely erase data from a hard drive?

In order to securely erase data on your solid state drive, you’ll have two options. You could simply visit the manufacturer’s website and follow their instructions to delete the data, or you could use PartedMagic, which is an incredibly effective tool to erase the data on your SSD entirely.

Can A Hard Drive Eraser be connected to a computer?

You can also connect the eraser to a computer to quickly access the drive that’s attached to port-1 on the eraser. To ensure your records are complete for auditing, the hard drive eraser features a nine-pin serial port that can connect to a serial printer to provide on-demand erase logs.

Can a cybercriminal permanently erase your hard drive?

Cybercriminals can use the same tools and techniques to commit identity theft. Special software programs can permanently erase your hard drive. There’s little chance you can get any data back. Similarly, no one else will be able to use data recovery software to recover your files.

Where do I go to Secure Erase my SSD?

The Samsung Magician utility offers a similar suite of features compared to Intel’s Toolbox, but it has a more streamlined and up-to-date interface. Still, you’ll find the “ Secure Erase ” features in essentially the same place: around the middle of the left sidebar. Click on that tab to select your drive and follow the prompts to erase.