Google has teamed up with Diane von Furstenberg for new fancy frames and shades for the Google Glass. The new fancy collection of the Glass will be called the DVF | Made for Glass collection. This is certainly a promising news for the Glass lovers who fancy some sleek design and variety of the Glass.
This is not a first collaboration between Diane and the Glass team. The Glass was already promoted by Diane’s models. This collaboration for another cause will add spice to the Glass.
It is true that the Glass lacked variety in terms of fashion and fancy. Sure, the Glass has numerous apps and technical functionality – but unlike a smartphone that resides in our pocket or handbag and unlike our computers, the Glass is going to be on our face!
So expecting a little bit of fancy and fashion becomes unavoidable. In order to please and tease that group of “fancy” and “stylish” Glass lovers, Diane von Furstenberg and Google have come together to create fashionable frames and shades for the Glass.
With these fashionable frames and shades, the Google Glass will be no more perceived as a nerdy or a geeky gadget; the Glass will become a desirable and fashionable gadget for more people.
Google will be releasing the DVF made Glasses as a limited edition; we are not sure about how many of them will be for sale, yet. The new shades are grey, brown and a rainbow-like multicolored shade. The Glass will also have a DVF logo in the corner.
The Titanium collection of Glass is already in production! The DVF collection and the Titanium collection will both be available from June 23rd onwards via Mr Porter and Google’s direct sale.
The Glass was opened for the public (in the US) a few weeks ago at $1500 per piece. Now these cool additions will also add to the price. The Glass with prescriptive lenses will cost $1725 and the DVF collection of the Glass will cost $1620.
If you want a fashionable piece of the Glass, you need to save a bit more than you expected!