How are blocks placed on the block admin page?

How are blocks placed on the block admin page?

Blocks are placed in regions via the Block Admin page Administer > Structure > Block Layout. Your site’s theme defines the regions available. Therefore, block placement in regions is done per theme on the Block Admin page. If you have more than one theme enabled on your site blocks can be placed differently for each theme.

How to set layout _ weight attribute from code?

The last parameter is the weight. Use LinearLayout.LayoutParams: LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams ( LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); params.weight = 1.0f; Button button = new Button (this); button.setLayoutParams (params); EDIT: Ah, Erich’s answer is easier!

How can I add a block to my website?

Blocks are made available to your site most commonly by enabling core or contributed modules. Once created, a Block can be modified to adjust its appearance, shape, size and position – or which Website pages it appears on. Any custom or contributed block can be assigned to a particular region by clicking on a button Place block.

How to override abstract members of basemasterpage class?

Update your BaseMasterPage class so that it contains the following code: Next, go to the Site.master code-behind class and have it derive from BaseMasterPage. Because BaseMasterPage is abstract we need to override those abstract members here in Site.master.

How can an Administrator manage the blocks in Moodle?

An administrator can manage Moodle’s blocks for the site in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Blocks > Manage blocks, including any contributed blocks that have been added. The blocks page lists the number of instance for each block.

Can a administrator block someone from editing a wiki page?

Administrators can block registered and anonymous users (by blocking accounts and individual IP addresses, respectively) to prevent them from editing a wiki. Blocked users can only browse articles.

How to get rid of an administrator block?

An administrator has blocked you from running this app. For more information contact the administrator. Scrabble2009setup.exe I have tried moving the user account slider to minimum and disabling McAfee.

Where are the blocks located in Drupal theme?

If you click “Configure Block” you can go ahead and edit the contents of the block, deal with the visibility settings and even change the placement of where it is on your theme. Blocks are placed in regions via the Block Admin page Administer > Structure > Block Layout. Your site’s theme defines the regions available.

How to add regions to a Drupal theme?

Adding regions to a theme requires: Adding region meta-data to your file. Editing your page.html.twig file and printing the new regions. Note: If you declare any regions in your theme, even just one, all the default regions will no longer be applied and you assume responsibility for declaring any and all regions you want to use.

How to render content in a Drupal block?

Each administrator-defined block consists of a title, a description, and a body which can be as long as you wish; the Drupal engine will render the content of the block. Enable, throttle, place, and configure blocks at Administer >> Structure >> Blocks.

How to change admin path in hide my WP?

Change WordPress Admin Path The most important path in WordPress is the wp-admin and the only way to protect this path is by changing its name and hiding it from hacker bots. To do this with Hide My WP Ghost, just change the name for the wp-admin with your custom name in Hide My WP > Permalinks .

How to hide your WordPress Admin URL with ithemes security?

Once your changes have been made, click Save Settings in the bottom lefthand corner. Now that you have hidden your login URL with iThemes Security, your site login URL will be harder to locate, and thus make it more secure from brute force attacks.

How to create custom administration pages in WordPress?

In a previous series, I provided an in-depth guide to working with the WordPress Settings API. For those who are new to WordPress or who have been using other tools such as The Customizer to handle various options, it may be something that you have not had to use in your theme or plugin development.

How to customize the theme for your organization?

In the admin center, go to the Settings > Org Settings page, and then choose the Organization profile tab. On the Organization profile tab, select Organization theme. All themes can be customized using the following tabs. What can you do? Modify a theme name and assign to up to five groups (if applicable).