How are easy tabs used in SharePoint 2013?

How are easy tabs used in SharePoint 2013?

When SharePoint easy tabs are added to a web part zone, they automatically generate a tabbed interface that contains one tab per zone. In Sharepoint 2010 and 2013, easy tabs are used to implement advanced menu functionality to a web page or Sharepoint library. Any web parts that do not have a header are ignored and hidden below the scripts.

How to link to specific tab in SharePoint?

Basically, I need to add a link in SharePoint that takes user directly to a specific tab (worksheet) in an Excel file, located in a document library on the same site. In SharePoint this takes me to the file like a normal hyperlink would (to the first tab or the last tab the file was saved in).

How to link to specific tab in Excel file?

The file I’m pointing to is located in a document library on the same site. Still need help with this please. Basically, I need to add a link in SharePoint that takes user directly to a specific tab (worksheet) in an Excel file, located in a document library on the same site.

How to place a webpart on a SharePoint page?

1. How to place a webpart on SharePoint page First click on “site-Actions” on the page options and then click on “Edit-Page” Select the easy tab you installed from the gallery. 2. Site map with easy tabs

Are there tab web parts in SharePoint 2010?

SharePoint 2010 provides many out-of-the-box Web Parts, but none of those Web Parts provides a tabbed interface. Today’s web pages have lots of information; a tab Web Part would help organize that information in far less space.

How to use JavaScript to work with SharePoint data?

In the next article in this series, you’ll add JavaScript to a page on the add-in web that works with SharePoint data on the host web: Work with host web data from JavaScript in the add-in web.

How many tabs are there in configuretabs string?

There are three tabs defined in this ConfigureTabs string. The first tab shows as Tab Title 1 with two closed Web Parts ( WebPart1 and WebPart3) in it. As you can see, the same closed Web Part can show in multiple tabs. All the Web Parts shown under tabs have to be closed.