How can I configure elpy for one project?

How can I configure elpy for one project?

To configure Elpy specifically for a single project, you can use Emacs’ Directory Variables. Elpy provides a simple interface to this. Set or change the value of a project-wide variable. With a prefix argument, the value for the variable is removed.

How does elpy provide completion and documentation in Python?

Normally elpy provides completion and documentation using static code analysis (from jedi). With this option, elpy will add the completion candidates and the docstrings from the associated python shell; This activates fallback completion candidates for cases when the static code analysis fails.

How does elpy work with Emacs and Python?

Elpy provides additional functionality to seamlessly work with interactive Python in a style similar to ESS. Elpy uses the Python interpreter setup from the Emacs python package. This section briefly summarizes some common setups; add the one you need to your .emacs file.

How does elpy check search for a string?

Search the files in the current project for a string. By default, this uses the symbol at point. With a prefix argument, it will prompt for a regular expression to search. This is basically a grep -r through the project. In addition to these two commands, elpy-check also supports optionally checking all files in the current project.

Is the elpy Goto Definition bound by default?

It is not bound by default, so you will have to bind it manually. You can also use it as a replacement to elpy-goto-definition (see Jumping to assignment ). If you use an Emacs version superior to 25, Elpy will define the necessary backends for the xref package.

Why does elpy not support advanced navigation features?

Elpy supports advanced navigation features. Go to the location where the identifier at point is defined. This is not always easy to make out, so the result can be wrong. Also, the backends can not always identify what kind of symbol is at point. Especially after a few indirections, they have basically no hope of guessing right, so they don’t.