How can I make my blog more visible?

How can I make my blog more visible?

10 tips for improving visibility for a new blog

  1. Optimize your blog for SEO.
  2. Direct internal links to older posts.
  3. Update and republish all blog posts.
  4. Make your blog mobile-friendly.
  5. Create a content calendar.
  6. Add social media plug-ins.
  7. Add images and/or videos.
  8. Share your blog posts everywhere.

How do I make my blog audience bigger?

How to grow your blog’s audience faster:

  1. Start networking with other bloggers on a regular basis.
  2. Contribute to the top blog’s in your niche.
  3. Create your own tribe on Triberr and invite other bloggers.
  4. Publish content your target audience wants to read.
  5. Encourage social sharing with these tactics.

How do I make my blog 2021?

How To Grow Your Blog In 2021

  1. 7 Actionable Steps Toward Sustainable Blogging Success.
  2. Go Back to Basics.
  3. Get Your Goals in Order.
  4. Talk to Your Target Audience.
  5. Level Up Your Content Marketing.
  6. Rethink The Role of Your Social Feeds.
  7. Prioritize Your Email List.
  8. Keep Your Eye On The Prize.

Where can i post my blog to get more traffic?

Share each new blog post across your social media networks, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. If you spend time cultivating your networks and share great content, social media sites can become some of your top traffic sources.

How can I get free traffic to my blog?

7 Free Ways to Increase Blog Traffic

  1. Write Guest Posts for Other Blogs.
  2. Share Posts on Social Media.
  3. Utilize Forum Marketing.
  4. Use Additional Publishing Platforms.
  5. Do Keyword Research.
  6. Take Advantage of Video Integration.
  7. Optimize Your Content for More Shares & Clicks.

Are blogs worth it in 2020?

You should probably start a blog in 2020. Despite claims that no one wants to read long-form content, or that all content will be delivered via video, the fact is, Blogging is still an extremely viable and effective medium for creating content and building an online business, even today.

How can I Make my Blog more popular?

Jump over to Google Trends. You can take a keyword from a blog post and see how it’s trending using the top search bar. Or you can search what’s already trending using the categories tool and create a blog post from those topics. Let’s look up the term “small business marketing strategies.”

How can I see how my blog is doing?

Let’s look up the term “small business marketing strategies.” You can also type that keyword into Google to see what posts come up. WordStream has the first-ranked post in this instance. If you want to see how popular the topic is, paste the URL of the post into BuzzSumo. It will show you how much the post has been shared and on which channels.

How to make your boring blog posts more interesting?

1. Leverage applicable analogies for explaining boring topics Applicable analogies are ideal for explaining or clarifying an idea or complex subject. It is also great at making boring topics more exciting.

What’s the best way to write a blog post?

Thus, the best way to speak their language is to find questions your ideal reader is asking online. So, look for the right questions and answer them in your blog article. There are several ways to identify what your readership wants to read through questions they’re asking. You can look at: