How can I update my campaign member status?

How can I update my campaign member status?

You can automatically update Campaign Member Status, right from the Opportunity object as well. Locate an existing Opportunity donation with a Primary Contact. Set the Primary Contact Campaign Member Status. See below for more details.

How to set up automatic campaign member management?

Select Automatic Campaign Member Management. Optionally, enter a Campaign Member Responded Status. The value entered is used as the default for ALL Campaign Members that are automatically added or updated through Automatic Campaign Member Management.

How to add a campaign to an opportunity?

To manage Campaign Members Statuses, navigate to your Campaign and click the Campaign Members Statuses related list. Click Save. When you specify a Contact as the Opportunity’s Primary Contact, the Nonprofit Success Pack automatically adds that Contact as a Campaign Member to the Opportunity’s related Campaign.

What happens if a contact is not a campaign member?

Contact’s current Campaign Member Status is left unchanged. If the Contact is not already a Member of the Campaign, no Campaign Member record is created. If the Campaign Member Status does not already exist, Salesforce creates it. Contact’s Member Status is updated to this value.

Where to find campaign member status in Salesforce?

You will usually find this list on the ‘Related’ tab of Salesforce Campaigns, like below: You may find that the list of Campaign Member Statuses section is missing from your campaign page. Adding the Campaign Member Status Related List is easy, and can be done rapidly by yourself or your Salesforce Admin.

How to change member status in Salesforce classic?

You can globally replace the Member Status values for each campaign member. For example, you decide that “Attended” is a more appropriate value than “Showed Up.” Click Advanced Setup on a campaign detail page. Click Replace in the Member Status Values related list. Enter the value you want to change, and select the new value.