How can PNP transistor be used as an amplifier?

How can PNP transistor be used as an amplifier?

Hence, the electrons flow towards the positive terminal and the base current flows (IB) is opposite to the electron flow. Besides, the current from emitter to collector starts to flow, provided the voltage VCE is applied at collector terminal. The PNP transistor can act as a switch and an amplifier.

What is transistor explain working of PNP & NPN transistor as amplifier?

In an NPN transistor, a positive voltage is given to the collector terminal to produce a current flow from the collector to the emitter. In a PNP transistor, a positive voltage is given to the emitter terminal to produce current flow from the emitter to collector. The NPN transistor always has an arrow pointing out.

How does a PNP bipolar transistor work?

The PNP transistor is a type of transistor in which one n-type material is doped with two p-type materials. It is a device that is controlled by the current. When a small current flow through the base of the PNP transistor, it turns on. The current in a PNP transistor flows from the emitter to the collector.

How does base voltage of PNP transistor work?

Since the current goes from emitter to base, the base needs to be 0.7V lower than the emitter. By setting the base voltage of a PNP transistor to 0.7V lower than the emitter, you “turn the transistor on” and allow for current to flow from emitter to collector.

What is maximum continuous collector current for PNP transistor?

To explain with a PSPICE model, PN2907A transistor has been selected. The first important thing to bear in mind to use a current limiting resistor at base. Higher base currents will damage a BJT. From the datasheet the maximum continuous collector current is -600mA and corresponding gain (hFE or β) is given in datasheet as test condition.

How does a PNP transistor on a Raspberry Pi work?

A PNP transistor will “turn on” when you have a small current running from emitter to base of the transistor. When I say “turn on”, I mean that the transistor will open up a channel between emitter and collector. And this channel can carry a much larger current.

Which is another type of bipolar junction transistor?

PNP transistor is another type of Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). The structure of the PNP transistor is completely different from the NPN transistor.