How detailed should commit messages be?

How detailed should commit messages be?

When you write the body of a commit message, you must mind its right margin, and wrap text manually. The recommendation is to do this at 72 characters, so that Git has plenty of room to indent text while still keeping everything under 80 characters overall. A good text editor can help here.

When you make a commit adding a message is?

These messages are typically added to the repository at the time in which you make the commit, although you can retroactively add commit messages as well. In GitHub, the message next to the file or folder is from the last commit in which that file/folder changed. So these are not all necessarily from the last commit.

Where do git commit messages go?

To write a git commit, start by typing git commit on your Terminal or Command Prompt which brings up a Vim interface for entering the commit message.

  1. Type the subject of your commit on the first line.
  2. Write a detailed description of what happened in the committed change.
  3. Press Esc and then type :wq to save and exit.

How to set your Vim to insert mode?

” I save all the time, those are annoying and unnecessary… set magic ” Enable extended regexes. set backspace=indent, eol, start ” allow backspacing over everything. set esckeys ” Allow cursor keys in insert mode. ” Use a bar-shaped cursor for insert mode, even through tmux.

How to set Vim to show partial mode?

” truncate msgs (avoid press ENTER msgs). set number ” Enable line numbers. set report=0 ” Show all changes. set showmode ” Show the current mode. set showcmd ” show partial command on last line of screen.

How to set the shift width in Vim?

” border of window. set sidescrolloff=7 ” Start scrolling n chars before end of screen. ” horizontally. set wildchar= ” show possible completions. ” and left aligned. set diffopt+= iwhite ” Ignore whitespace changes. set shiftwidth=2 ” The # of spaces for indenting. ” spaces, deletes shift width spaces.

How to set git commit to UTF-8?

” git commit. set encoding= utf -8 nobomb ” BOM often causes trouble, UTF-8 is awsum. ” to disk, will remember history/marks. set ttyfast ” Send more characters at a given time. ” I save all the time, those are annoying and unnecessary… set magic ” Enable extended regexes.