How do I answer my own questions?

How do I answer my own questions?

Etiquette for answering your own question

  1. Just ask the question, then post your answer immediately and let voting sort the answers out.
  2. Provide the answer in the question and ask the question phrased as “is there a better answer”.
  3. Post your question, let others answer it.

What are on your own questions?

On My Own: These questions do not require the student to have read the passage but he/she must use their background or prior knowledge to answer the question.

What is it called when people answer their own questions?

Hypophora, also referred to as anthypophora or antipophora, is a figure of speech in which the speaker poses a question and then answers the question.

Where can I find all of my questions?

You can find all of your questions (that you’ve asked or followed), answers, and posts on the Your Content page. On the web, you can find ‘Your Content’ in the Profile menu at the top-right.

Where do I find my answers on Microsoft answers?

You need to go to your profile page to see your questions. Once you have signed in to Microsoft Answers, you can click on your profile name (e.g. AlanRumsey) in the top right corner of any page to get to your profile page. Once you are there, you should have tabs to see My Questions, My Answers, Marked Helpful and All Threads.

How to see all the Quora questions I’ve asked or AM?

It depends on the topic of your query. If you have asked a question related to biology ,then all the quorans who have added biology in their favourite list or those who have written answers of questions related to that topic or followed that topic will get to see your question.

How to search for questions in meta Stack Overflow?

Go to your Profile -> Questions and you will see all the questions. Go to your profile (link on the upper black header of the site), click on questions, search for your question, click on it and mark the specific answer as correct. You must log in to answer this question.