How do I change my zsh on Mac?

How do I change my zsh on Mac?

From System Preferences Hold the Ctrl key, click your user account’s name in the left pane, and select “Advanced Options.” Click the “Login Shell” dropdown box and select “/bin/bash” to use Bash as your default shell or “/bin/zsh” to use Zsh as your default shell. Click “OK” to save your changes.

How do you update your account on zsh?

To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`. For more details, please visit

What is a login shell?

A login shell is a shell given to a user upon login into their user account. The general cases for having a login shell include: Accessing your computer remotely using ssh. Simulating an initial login shell with bash -l or sh -l. Simulating an initial root login shell with sudo -i.

How do I change my command prompt to zsh?

If you would like to temporarily try out the Zsh, do the following: Launch Terminal, located at /Applications/Utilities. Hit enter or return. The shell being used in the current Terminal session will change to the Zsh and the command prompt will change to a percent sign (%).

What’s the change from Bash to zsh on Mac?

The quick take away is Apple is moving from the Bash (Bourne Again Shell) to a newer Zsh. In this Rocket Yard guide, we’ll look at how this change to Terminal and the command line affects you.

Which is better the bash prompt or the zsh prompt?

The zsh default prompt is far shorter than the bash default, but even less useful. Since I work on the local system most of the time, the hostname bears no useful information, and repeating it every line is superfluous.

What is the default bash prompt on Mac?

The default bash prompt on macOS is quite elaborate. It shows the username, the hostname, and the current directory. On the other hand, the default bash prompt doesn’t show the previous command’s exit code, a piece of information I find very useful.