How do I change the API version of the Lightning component?
Please follow below steps :
- Open Developer Console.
- In query editor type below query :
- SELECT Id, DeveloperName, ApiVersion, Description FROM AuraDefinitionBundle WHERE DeveloperName = “”
- In the result you will be able to see that particular component.
- Update the API version by editing the row.
What kind of API does Salesforce Lightning use?
All streaming channels are supported, including channels for platform events, PushTopic events, generic events, and Change Data Capture events. This component requires API version 44.0 or later. The lightning/empApi module uses a shared CometD connection, enabling you to run multiple streaming apps in a single browser session.
Is there a dynamic component creation in Salesforce?
Providing true dynamic creation seems to be technically challenging as per the conversation in the pilot chatter group. Although there is nothing like this on the salesforce platform today, if you are using lwc-oss on say platform like Heroku or on your website, you can achieve the dynamic component insertion.
How to create dynamic web components in Lightning?
The usual Web Components can be dynamically created through standard DOM APIs like document.createElement (‘c-my-cmp’) or element.appendChild (element), but as far as I tried in pre-release org it would not work at all. This question has been posted multiple times in the pilot group.
How to create reusable Lightning lookup with dynamic fields to display?
For example, if you are calling the component for Account and Contact, have a separate String attribute that passess ‘account’ or ‘contact’ based on what it is for to the customLookupResult.cmp, and within that, for Account, you can display address, location, etc but for Contact, you can display name, email and phone. Hope this helps.