How do I change the language on Drupal?

How do I change the language on Drupal?

Change the Drupal language from the administration interface as follows:

  1. Configuration -> Modules -> Enable Locale module.
  2. Configuration -> Languages -> Add a Language.
  3. Choose your language.

What is multilingual version?

Multilingualism is the use of more than one language, either by an individual speaker or by a group of speakers. People who speak several languages are also called polyglots. Multilingual speakers have acquired and maintained at least one language during childhood, the so-called first language (L1).

Which is the best way to install Drupal on Windows?

The quickest and easiest way to install Drupal on a Windows platform is to use the Microsoft Web Platform Installer as described in detail on the page: Install Drupal 7 on Windows Server 2008 R2 with Microsoft Web Platform Installer.

How to change the default language in Drupal?

Never change the default language, otherwise things will break! Continue with the Automatic or Manual method below to update your translations. Make sure the “Update manager” module is enabled. This module also takes care of updating translations. Go to Reports > Available Translation Updates ( admin / reports / translations ).

What kind of language is Drupal written in?

Drupal is written in the PHP scripting language. For support on how to install and use PHP on Microsoft’s IIS server, visit: There are some know issues on IIS 7.5 and below regarding the use of UTF-8 characters in the url. Make sure to read the documentation from Microsoft to fix this.

How can I update my translations in Drupal?

Continue with the Automatic or Manual method below to update your translations. Make sure the “Update manager” module is enabled. This module also takes care of updating translations. Go to Reports > Available Translation Updates ( admin / reports / translations ). Click the link “Check manually”.