How do I change the zoom scale in ArcMap?

How do I change the zoom scale in ArcMap?

Right click the layer, click Properties, click the General tab and set the In beyond (Maximum Scale) to the scale you want. Once that is set, whenever you select “Zoom to selected features”, the display will zoom to the specific scale you set.”

How do I zoom out layers in ArcMap?

You can zoom the map to display all the features of a layer.

  1. Select the layer in the Contents pane.
  2. Click the Zoom to extent button. at the bottom of the Contents pane. The map automatically zooms to display all the features in the layer.

How do you unlock scales in Arcgis?

To enable the scale box, click View > Data Frame Properties to open the Data Frame Properties dialog box. Click the Data Frame tab and select Automatic from the Extent drop-down menu. Scale entry can be flexible.

How do you zoom in Arcgis?

Press the Alt key and click a layer in the Contents pane to zoom to the layer’s extent. Press the Ctrl key, select the layers in the Contents pane, right-click, and click Zoom To Layer.

How to zoom to the nearest scale in ArcGIS?

Right-click a layer that is currently not being drawn because of the map’s scale and click Zoom To Make Visible. ArcMap zooms to the nearest scale at which the layer will become visible. This command makes it easy to view a scale-dependent layer. The center point of the map is maintained during this zoom.

How do you set the size of a layer in ArcGIS?

Right-click the layer and click Visible Scale Range. Click Set Minimum Scale to set the smallest visible map scale. Repeat the process to set the largest visible map scale by zooming in and clicking Set Maximum Scale. Group layers are also a useful shortcut when you need to set visible scale ranges for more than one layer.

How do you show scale dependent layers in ArcMap?

Here are some typical tasks for working with scale-dependent display in ArcMap. Right-click a layer that is currently not being drawn because of the map’s scale and click Zoom To Make Visible. ArcMap zooms to the nearest scale at which the layer will become visible. This command makes it easy to view a scale-dependent layer.

How to zoom to specific scale in data frame?

In the table of contents, right-click the layer, click Properties, then use the Layer Properties dialog box to determine how the scale range is set. Alternatively, you can right-click the layer and click Zoom To Make Visible.