How do I change to 600 dpi in Illustrator?

How do I change to 600 dpi in Illustrator?

As mentioned, Illustrator isn’t the best application for raster images. However, to answer your question, Go to Effect > Rasterize… Then set the Resolution to Other and input 600.

How do you change to 96 dpi in Illustrator?

Go to Effects>Document Raster Effects Settings and either check high Quality 300 DPI or do a custom setting and use 355 dpi which is what the high end publications use. Then make your pdf and that should do it.

How do I make resolution higher in Illustrator?

On the JPEG Options screen change the Color Model if you need to, and choose a quality. Under Options, set the output resolution. Screen (72dpi) will produce a file the same size as your original document and should be OK to use on the web. Choose High (300dpi) for a high-res image.

How to set my illustrator document to be 150 DPI?

You need to control that your images would not be less 150 dpi (ppi). If larger – it is ok. You need to set DPI after your work si done – when exporting for print: save as copy – pdf – and there is place to set your desired resolution. Don’t forget – it applies only for raster images.

Is there a way to change the size of a document in illustrator?

If you need to know how to change document size in Illustrator, you first need to check what version of Adobe Illustrator you’re using. Back in the days of Illustrator CS3 (and earlier), changing the document size was a pretty simple task, carried out in the same intuitive way common as in many other applications.

What does PPI / DPI stand for in illustrator?

PPI/DPI is for raster-based images where scaling can vastly alter the quality of the image. If I were given those specifications and I was working in Illustrator I’d simply set the Document Raster Effects Settings (DRES) found in the Effects Menu to 700, then ignore PPI/DPI for all content created in Illustrator.

How many pixels do you need to make a vector in illustrator?

To set it at 700ppi (pixels per inch) you need to multiply that by 700, so your document should be: 23425px x 55118px, independent of whatever ppi you choose in Illustrator. That is a LOT of pixels, particularly because illustrator outputs a vector file that is 100% scalable (unless you are using raster images within).