How do I check my java version in bash?

How do I check my java version in bash?

So you can easily compare it in shell: [ “$JAVA_VER” -ge 15 ] && echo “ok, java is 1.5 or newer” || echo “it’s too old…” UPDATE: This code should work fine with openjdk and JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS as mentioned in comments.

How do I check my version of java?

Type “java -version” into the Command Prompt, then press Enter on your keyboard. After a moment, your screen should display the information your computer has about Java, including what version you have installed.

What is $? In Linux bash?

This is the exit status of the last executed command. $? Expands to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline. By convention an exit status of 0 means success, and non-zero return status means failure.

How to check Java version installed on Linux?

Method 1: Check the Java Version On Linux. Method 2: Find Version by Checking Path Where Java is Installed. Method 3: Search for Java in the Installed Packages List.

How to check Java version on Linux phoenixnap?

There are two ways to find the path of the Java directory. The first option includes running a single command: The system should respond with the path where Java is installed. Note: This option may not work on CentOS systems. If you have issues finding the path of the Java directory with the command above, use the alternative outlined below.

Which is the latest version of Java installed?

The execution of the CheckJavaVersion Java program resulted in java version output. In this case Java Version 11 is installed on our system.

How to check the version of Java in Perl?

Determining the Java version only using grep with Perl-style regex can be done like this: This will print the major version for Java 9 or higher and the minor version for versions lower than 9, for example 8 for Java 1.8 and 11 for Java 11.0.4.