How do I compare PDF files in selenium?

How do I compare PDF files in selenium?

To handle a PDF document in Selenium test automation, we can use a java library called PDFBox. Apache PDFBox is an open-source library that exclusively helps in handling the PDF documents. We can use it to verify the text present in the document, extract a specific section of text or image in the documents, and so on.

How do you automate images in selenium?

Verify Image Presence in Web Page using Selenium WebDriver

  1. Find a web page which contains a broken image.
  2. Open your class file and write a code to locate an image such as below.
  3. Write a JavaScript executor code to verify if image is present in page.
  4. Write a code to print desired output as per image presence state.
  5. Done.

How do I get text from an image in sikuli?

To get it to the clipboard, you could use several approaches:

  1. dragDrop() to highlight the text.
  2. Perhaps tabbing into the text box will highlight the text for you automatically.
  3. Use doubleClick() on the text (depending on what you’re trying to highlight, thus might not get it all)

How do you automate Captcha using Webdriver?

While automating Captcha is not the best practice, there are three efficient ways of handling Captcha in Selenium:

  1. By disabling the Captcha in the testing environment.
  2. Adding a hook to click the Captcha checkbox.
  3. By adding a delay to the Webdriver and manually solve Captcha while testing.

When to use selenium for image comparison testing?

Sometimes images like Logo, infographics, photo blog and any other kind of graphics testing becomes mandatory for the business. So today we will look into the different aspects of Image comparison testing through automation using Selenium WebDriver and Java.

How to verify two images using Selenium WebDriver?

Go for the download link. Run the jar file. Choose below option / or go for whichever option is best suited for you. Let the setup complete and you will find a file named – sikulixapi.jar. This jar has to be included in your classpath. One option for verifying images is to use Applitools + Selenium.

How to test PDF files using selenium automation?

To download the PDF file from a webpage, we need to specify the locator to identify the link to download. We also need to disable the popup window which asks us to specify the path in which the downloaded file has to be placed. This is the code that can be used for downloading PDFs before we start Selenium testing PDF files.

What do you need to know about selenium?

Selenium is a software library to locate elements on web page and interact with them. To deal with images, you need to use different library. Selenium can provide screenshots (images) but you need to use something else to work with such images. As a programmer, you need to master more than a single library, and learn to use right tool for the job.