How do I confirm a shipping address on PayPal?

How do I confirm a shipping address on PayPal?

To answer your question, you can have your address confirmed by doing one of the following:

  1. Add a credit card to your PayPal account. PayPal will confirm the credit card billing address (i.e., the address where you receive your credit card statement).
  2. Apply for a PayPal MasterCard located at

Does PayPal check billing address?

An address is confirmed if the buyer’s credit card billing address matches his or her shipping address. In some instances, PayPal can also confirm an address by examining the buyer’s PayPal account history.

Can I change my shipping address on PayPal after paying?

You can change your primary address on PayPal if you move to a new destination or want an item you purchased to be sent somewhere else. Your primary address on PayPal is your shipping address, so make sure it is updated if you purchase something online with PayPal.

Does my billing address have to match my shipping address?

For credit card verification you must enter your billing address exactly as it appears on your credit card statement. However, the shipping address you wish to ship to does not need to match your billing or credit card address.

Why does PayPal ask for shipping address?

PayPal lets you pay for online purchases, and many online merchants support the service. When you pay for an order, PayPal asks for the shipping address where you want the merchant to send your order. PayPal also lets you associate credit cards with your own alternative shipping addresses.

Why does PayPal say my billing address is wrong?

If you’ve tried to link your credit or debit card to your PayPal account, but received an error message, it may be because: The billing address you’ve entered for your PayPal account is different than the one on your card statement.

Why do you need a billing address for PayPal?

Yes, you are required to provide billing address if you want to accept all types of credit card. Just FYI, you also need to display PayPal Express Button if you use PayPal Direct. Please make sure PayPal approve your merchant account first.

Can a shipping address be confirmed on PayPal?

Shipping to a Buyer’s Confirmed Address. An address is confirmed if the buyer’s credit card billing address matches his or her shipping address.

How can I confirm my PayPal billing address?

PayPal will confirm parts of your credit card billing address (i.e, the address where you receive your credit card statement). Apply for a PayPal MasterCard. If you’re approved, the address on your application will be a Confirmed Address.

Is the preferred shipping address the same as the billing address?

To be clear to anyone answering the question, the preferred shipping address is NOT the same as the billing address that IS accessible from the PayPal account in the settings section. So, to be clear, how does one access the preferred shipping address and or update and change the one on file with PayPal.

Is it safe to use an unconfirmed PayPal address?

Although the vast majority of unconfirmed addresses are not fraudulent, PayPal offers confirmed addresses as an additional layer of fraud protection. Confirmed addresses help guard against stolen credit cards and identity theft and decrease your chances of receiving a chargeback.