How do I connect my led NodeMCU?

How do I connect my led NodeMCU?

Step 1: Blink the On-board LED First,connect the NodeMCU to the PC,put below code to the Arduino IDE: #define LED D0 // Led in NodeMCU at pin GPIO16 (D0). void setup() { pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // LED pin as output. } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);// turn the LED off.

How do I connect my NodeMCU app?


  1. You must use D7 pin(in Arduino IDE Digital 13 pin)
  2. Connect LED to this pin.
  3. Open nodemcu.ino using Arduino IDE,change ssid and password for your network.
  4. Then install this file to nodemcu module using usb cable.
  5. Open Android Studio and run the app.

How do I connect to NodeMCU ESP8266?

How to Program NodeMCU on Arduino IDE

  1. Step 1: Connect Your NodeMCU to the Computer.
  2. Step 2: Install the COM/Serial Port Driver.
  3. Step 3: ​Install the Arduino IDE 1.6.4 or Greater.
  4. Step 4: ​Install the ESP8266 Board Package.
  5. Step 5: Setup ESP8266 Support.
  6. 1 Person Made This Project!
  7. 8 Comments.

What is NodeMCU in IoT?

The NodeMCU (Node MicroController Unit) is an open source software and hardware development environment that is built around a very inexpensive System-on-a-Chip (SoC) called the ESP8266.

How to connect NodeMCU to nrf24l01-arduino code?

I need to connect NodeMCU and NRF24L01. where I’m receiving data from another NRF24L01 Transmission. I managed to connect to a WiFi network but the data receiving is not taking place as expected. Here is my code

Where can I upload data from the nRF24L01 node?

We will upload the received data on Thingspeak Server. The NRF24L01 can receive data up to 100m distance whereas we can monitor data worldwide using NodeMCU. The sensor Node comprises of NRF24L01 interfaced with any Microcontroller Board like Arduino or NodeMCU ESP8266.

How is the NodeMCU connected to the transmitter?

In the Transmitter side, the NodeMCU is module is connected to a NRF24L01 module which acts as the Transmitter. As shown in the figure the SPI Pins of the NodeMCU are connected to the SPI pins of the NRF24L01 module.

How are Arduino Uno and NodeMCU connected?

As shown in the figure above, we have connected NRF24L01 to Arduino Uno, here the SPI Pins of the NRF24L01 module are connected to the Arduino UNO board. The data pins and control pins of the LCD are also connected to digital pins of Arduino board. A potentiometer is connected to the LCD to change the contrast of LCD display.