How do I copy multiple test cases in TestLink?

How do I copy multiple test cases in TestLink?

To move or copy multiple Test Cases from different Test Suites, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Edit” icon from a ‘Root Test Suite’
  2. Expand Test Suites from which the Test Cases are supposed to be moved/copied.
  3. Select multiple Test Cases from different Test Suites.
  4. Click Gear (icon) -> Move or Copy.

How do I move test cases from one project to another in Testrail?

To copy or move test cases and entire sections within a test suite, you can drag & drop cases and sections. To do this, simply drag the little grip icon on the left of the checkboxes. If you want to copy test cases instead of moving them, simply press the Shift key before and during the operation.

How do you update test cases in TestLink?

Add test cases to a test plan

  1. On the TestLink page, click the Test Plan Management tab.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Provide a name and an appropriate description for the test plan.
  4. Make sure to select the Active check box.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click the Add / Remove Test Cases tab.

How do I copy a test case in ALM?

Duplicating test cases

  1. In the Test Cases list window, select the test case to duplicate and choose Edit > Duplicate.
  2. Select Link duplicated test case with original to link the new test case with the original test case.

How do I pass multiple test cases in TestRail?

Navigate to Test Runs & Results tab. Check the checkbox (mass-action button) for each test case where test results file should be added….TestRail – Add Multiple Test Results

  1. It will open Add Result pop-up.
  2. After that, user can upload one to many result files by clicking drg and drop.

How do I import test cases into test link?

To upload only test cases, click the Import icon present in Test Case Operations (below the Test Suite Operations). It opens the Import Test Suite page. By default, the file type is selected as XML. File − Select the XML file and upload it.

How do I export test cases from Testlinks?

It turns out that it is very easily possible to export test cases with test steps:

  1. Choose Test Reports in the topmost menu of Testlink.
  2. On the Reports and Metrics page, select OpenOffice Writer (or MS Word) as the Report Format.
  3. On the left side, select Test Plan Report.
  4. You get the document for download.

How to create a test suite in TestLink?

Step 1 − Navigate to Test Specification → Test Specification from the dashboard. Step 2 − Click the Setting type icon known as Actions on this page, present on the right panel as shown in the following screenshot. It will open Test Suite Operations. Step 3 − Click the + icon to create a new suite as shown below. It opens the create test suite page.

How to copy a test case to another project?

To Move/Copy a test case, you should have Create/Edit Test Suite permission. This functionality allows creating a duplicate test case or reordering of the structure. Step 1 − To copy/move a test suite into another project, select the test cases that need to be copied/moved and click the setting icon known as Actions.

Can a test case be added to multiple test suites?

A test case can be added to multiple test suites and test plans. After creating a test plan, test suites are created, which in turn can have any number of tests. TestLink supports tree structure for test suites. There could be multiple sub-test suites under a test suite.

How to import and export test cases in TestLink?

Testlink tool has the provision with which you can easily export your test cases or test suites present in your Testlink and then you can easily import them into another remote or external Testlink project which is hosted on a different server or system.