How do I create a backup script in MySQL?

How do I create a backup script in MySQL?

In order to properly automate backups, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Create a database backup.
  2. Zip the backup.
  3. Encrypt the compressed file.
  4. Send the backup to Internet storage using FTP, Dropbox, AWS, Google Drive, etc.
  5. Receive email notification concerning backup results.
  6. Create a backup schedule.
  7. Delete old backups.

How do I create a backup script?

How to Backup All SQL Server Databases

  1. Specify path to store database backups.
  2. Specify backup file name format.
  3. Select list of databases to backup.
  4. Loop through databases.
  5. Programmatically create database backup command using database name, path and file name format.
  6. See attached SQL Server backup script.

How to make a MySQL database backup shell script?

In the last step I compress the file with the Linux gzip command. If you make this shell script executable and then place an entry in your crontab file, hopefully this will make a decent little MySQL database backup shell script. If you prefer a simpler version of that shell script, I just wrote this code for a MySQL database named focus:

When to run MySQL database dump shell script?

In this crontab syntax example, the MySQL database dump shell script will be run every day, at five minutes after midnight. Once again, adjust this as desired. Of course there are other things you can do with this MySQL database backup script, but I wanted to make sure I shared this MySQL backup script to help get you started.

How often should I run MySQL Backup script?

Those files should only exist when you run this script more than one time on any day. In general this step shouldn’t be needed, but it comes in handy if you want to make multiple backups per day. The mysqldump command is where the actual MySQL database dump (backup) happens. Output is saved to our file.

Which is the best shell script for database monitoring?

The eight shell scripts provided below cover 90 percent of a DBA’s daily monitoring activities. You will need to modify the UNIX environment variables as appropriate. The oratab file lists all the databases on a server: The following script checks all the databases listed in the oratab file, and finds out the status (up or down) of databases: