How do I create a drop-down menu in Drupal 8?

How do I create a drop-down menu in Drupal 8?

If you want dropdown menus, you’ll need to arrange your menu links in a parent-child relationship:

  1. Go to Structure > Menus > Main Navigation.
  2. Drag-and-drop your menu links to that they are in a hierarchy:

Where is the main drop-down menu on Facebook?

The button, on the top right corner of the page, leads to a drop-down menu where people can create a brand Page, an advertisement, a group, an event, a marketplace listing or a fundraising page.

What is a drop-down menu on Facebook?

Facebook has added a drop-down menu to the like button on pages that gives users who have liked those pages the options of adding those pages to interest lists, showing the likes in their news feeds, and unliking the pages.

How do you delete a Facebook account?

To delete your account:

  1. Click in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Select Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  3. Click Your Facebook Information in the left column.
  4. Click Deactivation and Deletion.
  5. Choose Permanently Delete Account then click Continue to Account Deletion.

Where do I find drop down menus in Drupal?

Under the Apperance tab, click Configure next to Marinelli and scroll down. Under Primary Menu Settings, select Mega Drop Down. Now when you check your site, you’ll have working dropdown menus as in the image below. A second way to get dropdown menus on your Drupal site is to use a module.

Is there a jQuery plug in for the Drupal menu?

Superfish Menu is a Drupal module which integrates jQuery Superfish plug-in with Drupal menus. It is an enhanced menu with the jQuery plug-in that takes an existing pure CSS drop-down menu and adds many features without manually coding JavaScript. If Javascript is disabled in the browser it does not work. How does it work?

Can you create a drop down menu in CSS?

Web designers can create horizontal or vertical drop down navigation menus with the help of CSS. However, it should be noted that by using JavaScript, more interactive, responsive and flexible navigation bars can be created for any website. What are the advantages of websites using a drop down menu?