How do I customize iTerm2 on Mac?

How do I customize iTerm2 on Mac?

  1. Install and configure iTerm2. $ brew cask install iterm2.
  2. Install a patched font. The patched font is the font used by iTerm2 to display characters, and you’ll need a special one for special characters like arrows and git icons.
  3. Install Zsh and Oh my Zsh.
  4. Add Powerlevel9k Zsh Theme.
  5. Final tweaking.
  6. Visual Studio Code config.

How do you make iTerm2 beautiful?

How to make iTerm2 pretty

  1. On iTerm2 settings under tab Text chose Meslo font.
  2. On iTerm setting under tab colors chose color Arthur.
  3. On iTerm settings under tab Window put some transparency.

How do I import a color theme into iTerm2?

Activating theme

  1. iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Colors Tab.
  2. Open the Color Presets… drop-down in the bottom right corner.
  3. Select Import… from the list.
  4. Select the Dracula.itermcolors file.
  5. Select the Dracula from Color Presets…

How do you customize zsh?

Once installed, you can set zsh as the default shell using: chsh -s $(which zsh) . After issuing this command, you’ll need to log out, then log back in again for the changes to take effect. If at any point you decide you don’t like zsh, you can revert to Bash using: chsh -s $(which bash) .

What shell does iTerm2 use?

iterm2 use bash as well as zsh.

How do I make my Mac zsh terminal colorful?

To change the Theme, simply change the ZSH_THEME value in ~/. zshrc file from robbyrussell to Avit. Run the following command to update the config. Open ITerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Colors and change the background black color to use 20% gray as shown below.

How do I use iTerm2?

The primary use of the mouse in iTerm2 is to select text, and (by default) text is copied to the clipboard immediately upon being selected. You can click and drag to perform a normal selection. Double-clicking selects a whole word. Triple-clicking selects an entire line.

How do I install Zshell?

If you want the latest and greatest, use Homebrew: Proceed with the following steps to install a recent version.

  1. Step 1 – Install Homebrew. Open a terminal window. Homebrew […]
  2. Step 2 – Install zsh. Copy & paste the following into the terminal window and hit Return . brew install zsh.

How do I install solarized iTerm2?

Solarized with iTerm2

  1. Download Solarized.
  2. Unzip it and double click on the colour scheme you want (light or dark)
  3. Open iTerm2’s preferences.
  4. Go to colours, load presets and select Solarized.
  5. Click on text, make sure that “Draw bold text in bright colours” is disabled.

How do I import a color preset iTerm?

Direct way via keyboard shortcut:

  1. Launch iTerm 2. Get the latest version at
  2. Type CMD+i (⌘+i)
  3. Navigate to Colors tab.
  4. Click on Color Presets.
  5. Click on Import.
  6. Click on the schemes folder.
  7. Select the . itermcolors profiles you would like to import.
  8. Click on Color Presets and choose a color scheme.

How do I make my zsh colorful?

How to get a color scheme for iTerm 2?

Launch iTerm 2. Get the latest version at Type CMD+i. Navigate to Colors tab. Click on Load Presets. Click on Import. Select the .itermcolors file(s) of the scheme(s) you’d like to use. Click on Load Presets and choose a color scheme.

How to customize iTerm2 in Ubuntu terminal?

You can basically apply the methods mentioned in this guide to Customize iTerm2 and the above linked guide for Ubuntu or any Linux Terminal. Basics is that, you will get a list of option if you right click / command click on the iTerm Session Window. You will get an “Edit Session…” named option. Click it to open this window :

How to install the latest version of iTERM?

To install: 1 Launch iTerm 2. Get the latest version at 2 Type CMD+i 3 Navigate to Colors tab 4 Click on Load Presets 5 Click on Import 6 Select the .itermcolors file (s) of the scheme (s) you’d like to use 7 Click on Load Presets and choose a color scheme

Who are the creators of the iTerm themes?

The theme Spacedust was created by mhallendal and ported to iTerm by Couto. The theme Mathias was created by mathiasbynens. The LiquidCarbon themes were created by markcho. The NightLion themes were created by Curvve Media. The Tomorrow themes were created by chriskempson.