How do I Debug Graphics in Visual Studio?

How do I Debug Graphics in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio, on the main menu, choose Debug, Graphics, Start Graphics Debugging, or just press Alt+F5. This starts your app under Graphics Diagnostics and displays the diagnostics session windows in Visual Studio.

What is Debug layer?

The debug layer helps you write Direct3D code. In addition, your productivity can increase when you use the debug layer because you can immediately see the causes of obscure rendering errors or even black screens at their source. The debug layer provides warnings for many issues.

What is debug mode and when do you use it?

A Debug value indicates a debug configuration. When you start the app (press the green arrow or F5) in a debug configuration, you start the app in debug mode, which means you are running your app with a debugger attached. This enables a full set of debugging features that you can use to help find bugs in your app.

How do I enable debugging in C++?

Enabling Debug Features in C++ projects (/D_DEBUG) Specify the /D_DEBUG compiler option. (If you create your project in Visual Studio using wizards, /D_DEBUG is defined automatically in the Debug configuration.) When _DEBUG is defined, the compiler compiles sections of code surrounded by #ifdef _DEBUG and #endif .

How do I select an app to be debugged?

Navigate to Settings -> System -> Developer options and then scroll to the Debugging section. Click on “Select debug app”. Select the application you want to debug from the list.

Should USB debugging be on or off?

Trustwave recommends that mobile devices should not be set to USB Debugging mode. When a device is in USB Debugging mode, a computer connected to the device can read all data, run commands, and install or remove apps. The security of the device settings and data could be compromised.

What is debugging how debugging is done in VC ++?

It is the most basic feature in debugging. To set the breakpoint, click in the gutter to the left of the doWork function call (or select the line of code and press F9). Now press F5 (or choose Debug > Start Debugging). The debugger pauses where you set the breakpoint.

What are DirectX graphics tools?

Graphics Tools can be used to take advantage of the graphics diagnostic features provided in the runtime and Visual Studio to develop DirectX apps or games.

Is there a way to debug DirectX apps remotely?

You can use Visual Studio and the Windows 8 SDK to debug DirectX apps remotely. The Windows 8 SDK provides a set of components that support DirectX development and provide error checking and parameter validation in addition to the debugging that Visual Studio provides. These components are D3D11_1SDKLayers.dll, D2D1Debug1.dll, and Dxgidebug.dll.

How to get DirectX 11 debug layer working?

I’m trying to get DirectX 11 debug layer working. So far I’ve enabled debugging on the device, and that’s as far as I can get. I’m not getting any kind of debug output.

Are there any offline tools for DirectX graphics?

This section lists tools and utilities provided for DirectX graphics. You can use Visual Studio and the Windows 8 SDK to debug DirectX apps remotely. FXC (fxc.exe) is an offline tool for compiling HLSL shaders for all versions of Direct3D.

Is there a Visual Studio graphics debugger for Windows?

Visual Studio Graphics Debugger has greatly improved usability, support for Windows 8 and Direct3D 11.1, and integration with traditional Visual Studio features such as call stacks and debugging windows for HLSL debugging. For more info about this new feature, see Debugging DirectX Graphics.