How do I exclude an IP address from Google Analytics?

How do I exclude an IP address from Google Analytics?

Remove/block/exclude your own views (IP address) inside Google Analytics

  1. Find the IP address you want to block.
  2. Find admin panel in Google Analytics.
  3. Select ‘Add filter’
  4. Name your filter.
  5. Select ‘exclude’ in filter type.
  6. Enter IP address in Filter pattern.
  7. Select what you want to filter.
  8. Save.

What is exclude IP address?

Excluding by IP Address allows you to exclude computers or networks associated with specific IP address(es) from being served your ads. You can also exclude the address of your company’s network to prevent your colleagues from being shown your ads. Note: IP address exclusion only applies to your Retargeting campaigns.

How do I filter internal traffic in Google Analytics?

You can just go to your Admin > Data Streams > X Data Stream > Tagging Settings > Define Internal Traffic and then you enter your IP addresses. Then you go to Admin > Data Settings > Data Filters > Internal Traffic and set it to Active. Done, you have excluded your internal traffic based on IP addresses.

Why would you want to exclude your internal traffic?

And here are some reasons you should exclude them from your reports: They interact with your site differently than other visitors. Their reasons for being on the site are usually much different than a potential customer’s. Internal traffic is more patient with your site than a typical visitor will be.

Can a filter be used to exclude internal traffic?

If your network is IPv6 compatible and you are sending Analytics IPv6 addresses, then you cannot filter IPv4 addresses. To prevent internal traffic from affecting your data, you can use a filter to filter out traffic by IP address.

How to exclude traffic from one IP address?

To exclude a single IP address, such as, set up the filter like this: Filter name: enter a name. Filter type: Predefined. Select filter type: Exclude. Select source or destination: traffic from the IP addresses. Select expression: that are equal to.

How to filter Google traffic by IP address?

For a single IP address, you can use one of the default filters and just paste in your IP Address like below: For an IP address range, you’ll have to select Custom Filters, then choose Exclude, and IP Address from the dropdown list. Then, enter a regular expression for the IP Address range like below:

How to filter multiple views at the same time?

This will allow you to apply the filter to multiple Views at the same time. For a single IP address, you can use one of the default filters and just paste in your IP Address like below: For an IP address range, you’ll have to select Custom Filters, then choose Exclude, and IP Address from the dropdown list.