How do I find the number of rows in a cursor?

How do I find the number of rows in a cursor?

%ROWCOUNT Attribute When a cursor is opened, %ROWCOUNT is zeroed. Before the first fetch, cursor_name%ROWCOUNT returns 0. Thereafter, it returns the number of rows fetched so far. The number is incremented if the latest fetch returned a row.

How can I count rows in cursor in PL SQL?

  1. Statement 1. set serveroutput on. Unsupported Command.
  2. Statement 2. declare cursor c is select * from all_tables; n number; begin n := 0; for row in c loop n := n + 1; end loop; dbms_output.put_line(‘Total rows = ‘ || n); end; Total rows = 292.

How can you find within a PL SQL block if a cursor is open?

The following is a list of the cursor attributes that you can use. – Returns TRUE if the cursor is open, FALSE if the cursor is closed. – Returns INVALID_CURSOR if cursor is declared, but not open; or if cursor has been closed. – Returns NULL if cursor is open, but fetch has not been executed.

How many rows a cursor can hold in Oracle?

A cursor can be viewed as a pointer to one row in a set of rows. The cursor can only reference one row at a time, but can move to other rows of the result set as needed.

How many rows can a cursor hold?

one row
A cursor can hold more than one row, but can process only one row at a time. The set of rows the cursor holds is called the active set.

Can we pass parameters to cursor?

Each time you open the cursor, you can pass different arguments to the cursor, which results in different result sets. In the cursor query, each parameter in the parameter list can be used anywhere which a constant is used. Cursors with parameters are also known as parameterized cursors.

How to get the row count in a cursor in Oracle?

Within an Oracle procedure, after opening a cursor for a select statement, I fail to find a mean to count the number of rows fetched. OPEN mycursor FOR SELECT * FROM TABLE; — mycursor%ROWCOUNT is always set to 0, even if the cursor has rows.

How to calculate the number of rows a cursor will return?

The only way to get a count of how many rows a cursor will return is to actually fetch them. will prepare immediately – no work is done. the first fetch will return instantly – we just get enough data to give back to you – we don’t read all one billion rows.

How to get the row count in Excel?

We don’t know the row count until we get there ourselves! to your select list, then you would have a count to fetch and would know on the first fetch – but i STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOT DOING THAT – it will make every query much slower – much much slower – as we will have to build the entire result set before the first row can be processed by you.

How to get REF CURSOR row count in apex?

Interestingly enough the count (*) over () technique is added to queries in Application Express in the background. This is done so that the apex engine can return the message “this query returns more than X rows” where X is your defined max reporting rows limit (i.e. 10,000 rows).